A quick one from me today, but nonetheless a message that hopefully stays with you for a memorable time.
Cacao is known as many things:
Mama Cacao, the nurturer, a hug in a mug, the heart-opening medicine. Nourishing our body as one of the most nutrient dense food on the planet, flooding our system with feel good molecules and stimulating our cardiovascular system for embodied energy without nervous system crush.
So, no you can´t drink joy. But you certainly can drink cacao that contains all the neurotransmitters needed for your own body to be joyful. And this, truly is the recipe for long lasting happiness: To activate your own.
Pssst… secret tip:
What you naturally feel called to do after you drank you cup is often exactly what points you to your greatest joy. Write a book? Go dance in the woods? Meditate? Teach, support others, converse? (Looking at you Richard, I bet your wife would appreciate to share a cup with you.)
What it is that makes your heart beat faster and when can you loose yourself in flow state? Cacao has the most incredible tendency to point you towards your passion and purpose, in a subtle yet profound way. Be patient because it is an intention medicine that only works as fast as you pay attention and dedicate time. I promise you, it is worth it (and no, you don’t have to make it your business, having a hobby alongside a well paying job can sometimes be much less headache than trying to monetise your joy).