EQUILIBRIUM Ceremonial Cacao Dieta
Shadow Work and Living Your Creative Potential with the support of cacao
My most favourite and effective work with ceremonial cacao is coming your way!
On November 3rd we start a two-weeks-journey in the lands adventurous of your psyche.
The descent into the otherworld of our subconscious starts on the Black Moon and moves over the New Moon to shed the pale light on shadows we kept hidden. But don’t despair, we move slowly and allow cacao to gently soften the defences we put up over the years. The magic of cacao will guide you only as far as you are ready to hold yourself and are willing to reveal - to yourself and our intimate group container should you choose.
What situation seems to repeat itself?
What pattern shows up in different forms?
Where do you feel stuck, stagnant, triggered?
You get to choose the major part of your life that you struggle with - most likely for years. It might also be a new topic as you expanded your sense of self and the capacity of your nervous system to hold more and new experiences.
The important thing is, that you don’t need to know what or why it is presenting itself, that is for us to explore and unearth during the Dieta. You simply bring the topic or even just the desire for change with you as your intention.
There is no ceremony without intention.
Intent is the guiding light, the north star that holds us accountable for our actions, our integrity and our healing. When served intentionally, Cacao weaves her enchantment into whole being: Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
This is your Portal to Devotion.
Not only to ceremonial Cacao, its Spirit and Medicine; but to yourself. Your WHOLE self.
Opening and closing ceremonies are live via zoom (online) to connect with the group, set out intentions and formally start our dedication to Mama Cacao. These virtual gatherings will be recorded for you to watch at your convenience. Opening ceremony November 3rd at 3pm UK time
You will receive daily prompts, practices and background to feed your brain and consciously understand the steps we take to embark on the waters of the subconscious and engage in archetypal alchemy, shadow work and regulating cacao rituals.
A 454g block of pure, original ceremonial grade Keith’s Cacao is INCLUDED in the Dieta. This means two 42g ceremonial doses for the ceremonies and twelve 30g portions for the daily rituals (you can drink less of course, it is up to you to decide your daily dosages). Make sure to message/email me your address after signing up.
You can also choose to join without including the cacao, the option is yours!
I dedicate this Journey, this Cacao Dieta, this ceremonial commitment of daily rituals to the balance of deep, dark and >maybe< uncomfortable work AS WELL AS the light, expansive and exhilarating aspects of personal development.
For us to find EQUILIBRIUM and truly live it, embody it. Not by timidly staying "in the middle" but by intentionally and wholeheartedly (Hello Cacao for opening our hearts!) explore all that is around, below and above the mediocre. To experience an array of life’s colours without and bring about balance within. Not by forcing it but through feeling into the opposites, the extremes. Engaging in shadow work (the unseen, the subconscious, the uncomfortable) and creative expansion (the vision, the superconscious, your higher self and potential) with greater awareness.
To experience, know and integrate consciousness and live life in purpose and personal power (guided by love).
I am excited for us to dig deep and aim high. Allowing each other to be it all. Thank you to the Spirit and the Plant of Cacao for holding us, supporting us and ultimately reminding us that we can hold ourselves. Cacao is the teacher and ally that opened my inner sight to my true self and continues to help me when I am not trusting my intuition or shy away from it. Let’s see where Cacao will take us on our pathway to EQUILIBRIUM.
To take part you need to be a Magic Member of this Substack (Newletter) publication in order for you to receive the Dieta Emails. If you prefer to purchase EQUILIBRIUM outside of the membership you can sign up here (PayPal payment): https://lauradurban.com/lp-courses/equilibrium-cacao-dieta/
You can still take part in the live ceremonies but won’t receive reminder emails for the daily tasks and have to log in autonomously on my website platform. The price is slightly higher due more admin work on my side.
Why is the Cacao Dieta called “EQUILIBRIUM”?
Not only will it be held within the sacred Samhain Portal - in the liminal time of Persephone’s descent - the Cacao Dieta is focusing on two seemingly polar/contradicting themes: Shadow Work & Creative Expansion.
I believe we can’t ascend without descent. We can’t rise without rooting. Therefor, we dance the flow of life. Upstream and downstream, left and right, out of balance and into centre.
Grounded inner work, emotional processing, shadow integration +AND+
Opening new perceptions, joyful expression and creative expansion
EQUILIBRIUM : As within so without. GIVING AND RECEIVING. Ecstasy and Stillness. Indulging in the past and anticipating future to find PRESENCE IN THE PRESENT.
This is what the Cacao Dieta is about, finding balance within by accepting the polarities of nature and - simply put: of BEING HUMAN. We have the tendencies to reach too far in one direction and often bounce back into the other extreme. This can look like dissociation or heady escape of the body on the one hand, or intense emotional downward spirals and trauma loops on the other.
With this Dieta I aim to guide you into a confident and calm space from which you can explore your shadows and inner child work with one specific topic, just enough to go deep and pull yourself up again to release. And then to expand in your contraction, open up to the Unknown and creative potential that awaits when we let go of expectations and mind control.